
Fatty Liver Disease Diet

A healthy diet for fatty liver disease is the most important lifestyle change you can make.

Fatty liver disease is the most common liver disease in the western hemisphere and there is no medical treatment for it.

Learn about the dietary changes that you can make to stop and even reverse the progress of your disease.

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Causes of Fatty Liver


It’s important to be aware of the causes of fatty liver disease in order to understand the best treatment.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol itself harms the liver but the food eaten when drinking is another problem. With lower inhibitions, many people choose deep-fried and high fat foods, not salad.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is often caused by obesity and high cholesterol. Eating processed, high calorie foods that have a lot of fat, sugar, and salt is the first problem. Other complications such as diabetes arise from this as well.

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Fatty Liver Diet Tips

Eat me!

Low calorie foods

Reducing your calories will lead to a slimmer body and make it easier for the liver to function. Fruits, vegetables, and beans are low in calories and high in fiber, so you will stay full for longer.


If nutrients aren’t broken down properly, more fat develops in the liver. Antioxidants help break down nutrients. Berries and green tea are great sources.

Natural vitamins and minerals

A diet rich in vitamins and minerals helps the liver regenerate cells. Green leafy vegetables have the highest nutrient content.

Healthy fats

Omega 3 and monounsaturated fats improve your liver’s ability to produce glucose and reduce fat. Nuts, seeds, and avocado are excellent sources.

Wholesome carbs

Complex carbohydrates that contain a lot of fiber help to lower your cholesterol. Eat whole grains, potatoes, and lentils.

Avoid these!

Unhealthy Fats

Trans and saturated fats contribute to a fatty liver. Eat less meat and dairy and limit your use of oil in cooking. Hydrogenated vegetable oil is particularly harmful and linked to cancer.

Simple carbs

Simple carbohydrates spike sugar levels in your blood because they are processed by the body so quickly. Avoid white bread, candy, and baked goods.

Fast food

Hamburgers, french fries, pizza, and other fast foods are simple carbs and contain high levels of oil, salt, sugar, and fat – all the things you should avoid!


It is damaging to your liver to process alcohol. Avoid drinking if you have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and do not drink any type of alcohol if you have alcoholic fatty liver disease.


Genetically modified foods contain toxins that are hard on the liver. Common sources are dairy and processed foods that contain soy and corn like sugary breakfast cereals.

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Why choose Amsety for a healthy liver diet?

It can be difficult to follow so many health recommendations, especially when you have a busy lifestyle! Amsety makes liver health easy by providing a convenient solution to your health needs.

healthy diet

Low calories

Containing only 200 calories, an Amsety bar is a healthy choice for a low-calorie breakfast on-the-go. Have a bar instead of a sugary snack.


Healthy fats

Amsety bars are trans-fat-free and contain healthy fats from peanuts.


Natural vitamins and minerals

Amsety bars contain a unique blend of 16 Super Vitamins and Minerals that support liver health.



There are no genetically modified ingredients in Amsety Bar.


Dairy free

Amsety bars contain organic rice protein as a dairy alternative.


Oil free

There are no hydrogenated vegetable oils or other oils in Amsety Bars.

Start a healthy diet with the first nutrition bar for liver health

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