We know that you have probably heard this before, but breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Eat a champions breakfast full of vitamins, minerals, and fibers within 20 minutes of waking up. Breakfast is the time to load up. Eating as soon as you wake up will avoid your body from storing unnecessary fats. Eating breakfast will also keep you fueled and energized for the day. Try our Peanut Butter Superstar Oats breakfast recipe that will make you feel like a champion in the morning; ready to take on the day. This recipe is also super easy to make and is all made the night before leaving your breakfast ready to grab and enjoy in the morning.
A diet high in fruits and vegetables can help strengthen your immune system. Fruits provide nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and antioxidant properties among others that can help boost your immune system. Try and implement extra servings of fruit into your daily diet. Add an extra handful of your favorite fruit to your breakfasts, smoothies, and desserts and when you are craving something sweet opt for a fruity treat. If you are looking for a fruity recipe, we have a fantastic and fun Fruity Kebab recipe. This recipe is so fun because you can make it super colorful and change up the fruit selection depending on the season. This recipe contains fruit and Amsety Bars for extra vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Discover the first nutrition bars designed to support liver health.
Read more >Healthy snacking is very important when trying to support your immune system. When it comes to healthy eating, snacking is where it usually goes downhill for many people. Spending so much time at home with free time tends to make us more prone to snacking. Snacking is not a bad thing as some may think, it is actually a good thing as long as we are talking about healthy snacking. Research shows that eating small frequent meals or healthy snacks can help satisfy your appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels and provide nutrients to your body throughout the day.
Amsety Bars are the perfect healthy snack because they are low in sodium, gluten-free, dairy-free, and contain the Super 16 Mix of Vitamins and Minerals. Try our healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Dough Balls that are perfect to snack on around the house and contain Amsety bars for extra vitamins, minerals, and fibers.
Balanced Diet for a Healthy Liver
5 Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy
3 Post-Holiday Self-Care Tips
What´s your Liver Health Score?
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