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Read More About Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C:
What You Need To Know

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What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver inflammation caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The virus is a RNA virus and belongs to the group of flaviviruses. Hepatitis C is transmitted through contact with contaminated blood, mostly through needles and syringes shared by drug users and piercings and tattoos conducted under poor hygiene conditions.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year, around 3-4 million people develop an HCV-infection. 2-3% of the world population suffer from chronic HCV-infection. It is estimated that on average, 3.5 million people in the U.S. are infected with hepatitis C annually. (Edlin et. al., 2015)
In such regions as Africa, some parts of Asia, Southern and Eastern Europe, the prevalence of Hepatitis C is particularly high.

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Hepatitis C Risk Factor

People at high risk are those who:

  • Use injected or inhaled drugs and share needles and syringes among other drug users
  • Received piercings or tattoos under poor hygiene conditions
  • Were born to a mother infected with Hepatitis C
  • Are healthcare professionals dealing with hepatitis C patients
  • Received blood transfusion or organ treatment before 1992
  • Received dialysis
  • Are HIV positive
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Symptoms of Hepatitis C

HCV infections are often asymptomatic. In early stages, symptoms may include:

  • Sickness
  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Dark urine and pale stool
  • Jaundice (rarely)
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Flu-like symptoms

As hepatitis C progresses, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Joint or muscle discomfort
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Neuropathy
  • Dry mouth
  • Kidney problems
  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Weight loss for unknown reasons
  • Itching
  • Bleeding and bruising easily
  • Spider veins
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Hepatitis C Diagnosis

A blood test can identify the presence of an HCV infection and the HCV genome.
In some cases, a liver biopsy can be prescribed to determine the severity of liver disease. Through inserting a small needle into the liver, a small tissue of liver will be removed and tested in the laboratory. The results of the liver biopsy show the severity of organ damage due to disease.

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Hepatitis C Treatment

Basically, hepatitis C is a curable disease. Different types of treatment can be prescribed depending of the cause and severity of liver damage. For example, if the liver inflammation was caused by alcohol or drugs, no further intake of these substances is advised.

  • Antiviral medications: Almost half of liver inflammation cases are treated with antiviral medications intended to eliminate the virus from the body. To note, hepatitis C and B are treated with different active agents. The medications are often used in combination with others over many months. The conventional medicines used for hepatitis C treatment, however, may have serious side effects, due to which many patients interrupt their treatment.
  • Liver transplant: When the liver is significantly damaged and cannot be recovered, a liver transplant is usually considered. During the procedure, the damaged liver is removed and replaced with a donor’s healthy liver. However, liver transplant does not cure the hepatitis C patients from this infection. Hepatitis C infection can in the same way affect the healthy liver and lead to the loss of liver function again. That is why treatment with antiviral medications continues even after a liver transplant.
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Hepatitis C Prevention

Currently, there is no vaccine against hepatitis C. The vaccination protecting against hepatitis A and B however, may be prescribed by a doctor to avoid the complications caused by HCV. Consider the following hepatitis C prevention methods:

  • Do not share drug needles
  • Select a hygienic location for piercing, tattoo or manicure procedures
  • Thoroughly disinfect anything that could have come into contact with blood
  • Select a hygienic location for piercing, tattoo or manicure procedures
  • Use protective gloves when dealing with blood
  • Use condoms
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Courses & Prognosis of Hepatitis C

“The hepatitis C virus almost exclusively attacks liver cells, in particular hepatocytes, where it multiplies further. When the body recognizes foreign invaders, the immune system tries to remove them with the help of its defense substances. If the body does not succeed in healing itself from the virus, it develops into the chronic HCV infection. In the worst case scenario, during the end stage, the infection can lead to liver cirrhosis or liver cancer after a few decades.

The acute form of hepatitis C is usually cured by the organism itself. If the liver inflammation was caused by drugs or alcohol, the elimination of these harmful substances from the organism may help the liver regenerate unless it is already permanently damaged.

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Hepatitis C Transmission

The hepatitis C virus is transmitted through the contact with contaminated blood. Individuals sharing needles are at particularly high risk.

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Hepatitis C Incubation Period

On average, the incubation is about six to nine weeks.

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Hepatitis C Diet

93% of liver specialists agree that nutrition is the most important factor for liver health.
A good diet decreases the likelihood of developing liver disease and helps the liver regenerate new cells when it is already damaged. Thus, it is critical to pay attention to your liver diet.
The best nutrition for liver care is whole, unprocessed foods that are high in fiber. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Amsety Bar is the first nutrition bar designed to support liver health. It includes the Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix™. > Read more
Avoid food that is high in fat, salt, and sugar.
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Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix™ Supporting Liver Health

Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix
  • Naturally supports your liver health

  • Includes essential vitamins and minerals for liver health

  • Balances your daily diet

  • Supports daily nutrient intake

Amsety's Super 16 Vitamin and Mineral Mix™ is created by leading US liver specialists and food engineers to provide the essential vitamins and minerals for optimal liver health.

It's important to maintain a healthy, whole foods diet. That's why our unique blend is carefully designed to include the properties of natural foods that best support healthy liver functions.

The Super 16 Vitamin and Mineral Mix™ includes a carrot's vitamin A, an orange's vitamin C, and spinach's vitamin E to promote the 16 most beneficial plant-based vitamins and minerals for liver health.

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Why Amsety Bars Are Good For Your Liver

Amsety has introduced the first nutrition bar including the Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix™. Amsety Bars were created specifically to meet the dietary requirements of individuals with liver conditions and support liver health. Amsety Bars are only available online. Visit Amsety's online shop.

Amsety Bars Super 16
  • Includes the Super 16™ Mix of essential vitamins and minerals for liver health, many of which are difficult to find in regular meals or even supplements.

  • Helps liver patients manage their daily diets due to healthy and nutrient dense formula.

  • Provides sufficient energy intake for liver patients and supports oral intake among patients with poor appetites.

  • A healthy on-the-go snack that helps liver patients manage a complicated lifestyle resulting from liver disease.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic, American Liver Foundation

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