

Super 16

Include Super 16™ in your daily diet

The Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix™ addresses the specific needs of a liver health diet. Liver Health experts have developed this specific blend of Vitamins & Minerals for Amsety. You will find the Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix™ only in Amsety products.
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Expert Reviews

Recommended by Experts

"I've been handing out the bars to patients during our hepatology clinic visits, and patients are very happy to have a low sodium "grab and go" option."
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Lauren Wagner

RD, Abdominal Transplant Dietitian at Transplant Institute Keck Medical Center USC

Customer Reviews

Loved by customers

"I LOVE AMSETY BARS! I have tried so many nutrition bars and with each of them they don’t have a good balance. I don’t like chalky flavors; I don’t like bland flavors. Amsety Bars are everything like and nothing in between. Their whole and organic ingredients make me feel good about what I am putting in my body."

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Jonathan Terauchi

Amsety surveyed specialists attending 2016 AASLD’s Liver Meeting in Boston – the world’s largest conference for liver health (American Association for the Study of Liver Disease). This annual conference was attended by 9,500 hepatologists and liver health experts.

Further, Amsety also conducted a nutrition survey at San Diego’s Digestive Disease Week last year.

The overwhelmingly positive response from liver health experts confirms that we have achieved our goal in creating the best nutrition bar for liver health.

Why is Nutrition Important for Liver Health

Today, liver disease affects over 30 million people in the U.S.

Liver health experts agree that nutrition is the single most important factor affecting liver health. The surveyed experts rated nutrition as the most important factor for liver health, even above alcohol abstinence, exercise, and medication. For both prevention and treatment, it is essential to eat right.

Healthy Diet

The food we eat has a huge impact on liver health. Regularly eating food with low nutritional quality severely damages the liver, while a healthy diet helps the liver to regenerate cells.

But what exactly is a healthy diet? We asked liver health specialists.

In a liver-healthy diet, the food property experts consider most important is “no or low sodium”, closely followed by “no refined sugars”, and “organic ingredients”. We designed the Amsety Bar to follow all three of these health essentials.

Our Taste

Physicians also emphasize the importance of taste in food designed for health. Regular consumption of nutritious food is what leads to improved liver health.

Liver health experts approved of Amsety’s creamy peanut butter and rich, dark chocolate flavors. These satisfying, chewy bars contain organic ingredients and brown rice, and are naturally sweetened with honey. The delicious taste of Amsety Bars keep our customers coming back for more.

About Us

Created in California with the expertise of leading US liver specialists, Amsety Bars are the first nutrition bar designed specifically for liver health.

Amsety Bars are very low in sodium, gluten-free, organic, and free of refined sugars which makes them the clear favorite for liver health experts.

Make the Expert Choice. Choose Amsety.

Try our Dark Chocolate Champion Today!

organic, very low sodium, gluten-free
Does not contain refined sugar
Only available in Amsety's online shop
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Only available here
  1. Amsety's Nutrition Study, AASLD's Liver Meeting, Boston Massachusetts, November 12-15th 2016
  2. Combined Nutrition Study Results: AASLD's Liver Meeting, Boston Massachusetts, November 12-15th 2016 and Digestive Disease Week, San Diego California, May 22-24 2016
  3. American Liver Foundation

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