Did you wake up today in the morning, motivated and full of energy but after a few hours realized that you have lost your momentum?
Amsety has analyzed many scientific studies and found there are certain times during the day that are better suited for certain activities. The following ten tips should help you to optimally structure your day.
Drinking Water
Right upon waking up, we should drink a glass of warm water. Adding this to your morning ritual will help your body compensate the fluid loss from throughout the night and restore the energy you need to properly function during the day.
Working out before breakfast, is ideal for losing weight. A morning workout is will stimulate fat burning by boosting your metabolism, and it is also will supply you with more energy for the rest of your day. Consistency is key, so make sure that you stick with a workout schedule that you can follow throughout your week.
In the morning, our body needs carbohydrates. Carbs are an important energy source for your muscles and will help your brain function properly. In fact, our brain itself needs 120g of glucose per day, and this should be consumed in the morning. Our suggestion – consume 50-60% of your daily carbs for breakfast, and a healthy way to do this is by eating one of our delicious Amsety Bars!
With only 200 calories per bar, Amsety Bar contains 26g of healthy carbs- making it a perfect addition to your morning ritual.
The best time for coffee is after 9.30 am, for before this time, the stress hormone cortisol, and our energy level, are at their highest levels. Drinking coffee a bit later in the day will allow it to have an even more beneficial effect.
Midmorning is a good time to have a small pause, for a short break will help resupply your body with more energy and help you focus during the remainder of your day. During your break, you should
Mid-Day Nap
Everyone can benefit from an afternoon nap. Sleeping for 20-30 min between 2 and 3 pm works wonders, according to the Mayo Clinic. It not only helps us overcome the afternoon sleepiness but it will help you sleep even better at night.
We usually generate the most creativity and brainstorm the best at the end of the working day. At this time our brain is too tired to filter out unnecessary information from our thought, which, according to the latest studies, boosts our ability to use our imagination.
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