
Peanut Butter Waffles Amsety

Liver Health Benefits

  • Amsety Bars are gluten free, sodium free, contain no refined sugars
  • Amsety Bars contain no GMO, are organic and kosher
  • Peanut Butter is a good source of protein


  • 4 Peanut Butter Amsety Bars
  • 15 ounces Milk
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 egg whites
  • 8 ounces Gluten Free Flour (Bobs Red Mill 1to1)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes

    Size: 6 servings (12 waffles)


    1. Preheat your waffle iron.
    2. Break up the 4 Peanut Butter Amsety Bars by hand into small pieces and then puree smooth with the milk in a blender.
    3. Separate your egg yolks from the whites.
    4. Add yolks to the milk and add the whites to a bowl.
    5. With a whip attachment, whip your egg whites to a stiff peak.
    6. In a separate bowl, add your flour, salt and baking powder.
    7. Next add your milk.
    8. Mix into flour bowl and mix together until smooth.
    9. Fold the whipped egg whites into your batter with a spatula.
    10. Depending on your waffle iron, add 5 ounces of batter and cook until golden brown.
    11. Serve warm with half of a banana sliced and drizzle with honey or any of your favorite toppings.
    12. Enjoy with your whole family! Studies show that eating together as a family can make you happier!

    Amsety’s Culinary Advisor: Chef Chad

    This recipe was prepared by our culinary advisor Chef Chad Kilgore. Chef Chad is a chef from San Diego with a passion for creating sustainable and healthy lifestyles through his healthy recipes. To find out more about him please click here.

    For more liver healthy recipes click here

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    Amsety Bars



    No Refined Sugar


    Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Very Low Sodium


    Contains Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix™

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