A study conducted by Ohio State University showed that over 15% of adults skip breakfast. Breakfast in fact is the most important meal of the day; it helps jump start your metabolism in the morning. The body responds well to eating within the first 20 minutes of waking up. Eating within this time frame keeps your body from going into survival mode. When you skip breakfast and go into survival mode your body preserves rather than burns the extra calories. Storing old and unnecessary fats can later lead to obesity and liver disease. Preparing your breakfast the night before is a fantastic way of managing to eat an early breakfast within the first 20 minutes of waking up stress-free. Here is an Amsety prepare in advance suggestion: Banana Oatmeal Muffins with Maple Syrup.
Having breakfast will also help you line your stomach and give you the energy you need for your day seen as we use this meal to break the midnight fast. It is ideal to have your intake of carbs in the morning with your breakfast to boost your energy and fill you up for the day. Many studies have linked eating breakfast to good health, including better memory and concentration, lower levels of bad cholesterol, as well as lower chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, and being overweight. If your body doesn’t get that fuel from food, you may feel zapped with energy, and you'll be more likely to overeat later in the day.
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Read more >Breakfast is the perfect time to load up on all liver-health-supporting foods. From vitamins and minerals to healthy grains and fibers. Make sure to add high fiber and whole-grain cereals and bread to your breakfast to keep your blood pressure high. There are also fantastic liver-supporting lean protein options to have for breakfast such as eggs and Greek yogurt. Take advantage of the large variety of liver health support foods that can greatly benefit your liver health and get you ready to start your day.
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